19. Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART)

This chapter will discuss the operation of the Universale Receiver/Transmitter (UART) instantiated in this design.

19.1. IP Details and Available Configuration

Table 19.1 provides details of the source of the IP and and details of the memory map.

Table 19.1 UART IP details
Provider gitlab
Vendor incoresemi
Library blocks/devices
Version 1.0.0
Ip Type memory_mapped
Numer of Config Registers 7
Direct Memory Region None
Configuration Register Alignment (bytes) 4

Table 19.2 provides information of the various parameters of the IP available at design time and their description

Table 19.2 UART IP Configuration Options
Configuration Options Description
Bus interfaces APB, AXI4L, AXI4 Choice of bus interface protocol supported on this IP
Base address Integer The base address where the memory map of the configuration register starts
Bytes reserved Integer >= 0X4C The number of bytes reserved for this instance. This can be much larger than the actual bytes required for the configuration registers but cannot be smaller than the value indicated.
init_baud Integer > 1 and < 65535 An integer indicating the baud_addr value at reset time. Limited to 16 bits.
fifo_depth Integer > 1 An integer indicating the depth of the RX and TX fifos

19.2. UART Instance Details

Table 19.3 shows the values assigned to parameters of this instance of the IP.

Table 19.3 UART Instance Parameters and Assigned Values
Parameter Name Value Assigned
Base Address 0X11300
Bound Address 0X113FF
Bytes reserved 0XFF
Bus Interface APB
init_baud 0X145
fifo_depth 0X10

19.3. UART Features

The UART module implements the standard UART, which has RX and TX IO pins. The UART also has one interrupt line that gets connected to PLIC.

The following parameters can be configured in software:

  • Baud rate: Using Baud Register
  • Interrupts: Using Interrupt Enable Register and Status Clear Register
  • RX and TX threshold: Using rx_thld, rx_thld_dirn, tx_thld and tx_thld_dirn fields in the Control Register
  • RX and RX auto threshold-interrupt reset: Using rx_thld_auto_rst and tx_thld_auto_rst fields in the Control Register
  • Stop bits: Using stop_bits in the Control Register
  • Parity bits: Using parity_bits in the Control Register
  • Character size: Using char_size in the Control Register

The following parameters can be configured in the hardware:

  • The depth of transmit and receive FIFOs (fifo_depth)

This particular version of UART supports only the following configuration:

  • 8-N-1: 8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop-bit

The UART does not have support for hardware flow control or other modem control signals.

19.4. Register Map

The register map for the UART control registers is shown in Table 19.4.

Table 19.4 UART Register Mapping for all configuration registes
Register-Name Offset(hex) Size(Bits) Reset(hex) Description
baud 0X0 16 0X145 Controls the baud-value of the UART.
tx_data 0X4 8 0X0 Holds data that needs to be sent over UART
rx_data 0X8 8 0X0 Hold data that is received over the UART
status 0XC 12 0X7 Holds various status fields
control 0X10 32 0X2880 Various control fields to manipulate communication parameters
status_clear 0X14 6 0X0 Register to clear various status bits
interrupt_en 0X18 12 0X0 Controls which status bit events should raise an interrupt from the UART module

All addresses not mentioned in the above table within Base Address and Bound Address are reserved and accesses to those regions will generate a slave error on the bus interface

The register access attributes for the UART control registers are shown in Table 19.5.

Table 19.5 UART Register Access Attributes for all configuration Registers
Register-Name Access Type Reset Type Min Access Max Access
baud read-write synchronous 2B 4B
tx_data write-only synchronous 1B 4B
rx_data read-only synchronous 1B 4B
status read-only synchronous 1B 4B
control read-write synchronous 1B 4B
status_clear write-only synchronous 1B 4B
interrupt_en read-write synchronous 1B 4B

19.5. BAUD Register

This is a 16-bit read-write register which specifies the current divisor used by baud rate generation for both receive and transmit. The baudrate and the divior are associated by the following formula:

\[baudrate = Fin/(16 * baud)\]

where F in is the clock frequency of the controller in Hz.

19.6. TX_DATA Register

This is a write-only 8-bit register. Witing to this register enqueues the data in to transmit FIFO, if the FIFO is able to accept new entries. Reading from this register will generate an to access fault.

19.7. RX_DATA Register

This is a read-only 8-bit register. Reading from this register will dequeue a character from the receive FIFO and returns the value. If the FIFO is empty a value of 0 is returned. Writes to this regiter will cause an access fault.

19.8. STATUS Register

This is a read-only register holding various status bit. The following table provides information of the various bits and their description

Table 19.6 status subfeild description
Bits Field Name Attribute Description
[0:0] tx_done read-only Indicates if the transmission has finished.
[1:1] tx_notfull read-only Indicates if the transmit FIFO is not full.
[2:2] rx_notfull read-only Indicates if the receive FIFO is not full.
[3:3] rx_notempty read-only Indicates if the receive FIFO is not empty.
[4:4] tx_thld_hit read-only Indicates if the number of elements present in the transmit FIFO is above the set threshold (or below, depending on the tx_thld_dirn bit in control register).
[5:5] rx_thld_hit read-only Indicates if the number of elements present in the receive FIFO is above the set threshold (or below, depending on the rx_thld_dirn bit in control register).
[7:6] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect
[8:8] parity_error read-only Indicates if there was a mismatch in the parity bit received, and the computed parity of the received data.
[9:9] overrun_error read-only Indicates if the receive FIFO is full, and a new character is received.
[10:10] frame_error read-only Indicates if the stop bit that is received is 0.
[11:11] break_error read-only Indicates if both, the data, and the stop bits received are all zeros.
[31:12] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect

19.9. CONTROL Register

This is an 8-bit register which allows manipulation of the communication parameters. The layout of this register is as shown below.

Table 19.7 control subfeild description
Bits Field Name Attribute Description
[1:0] stop_bits read-write Defines number of stop bits used in communication. The values 0, 1 and 2 indicate one, one and a half, and, two stop bits respectively. A value of 3 is illegal.
[3:2] parity read-write Defines the type of parity for transmit data, and the expected parity of the received data. Values 0, 1 and 2 indicate no parity, odd parity and even parity, respectively. A value of 3 is illegal.
[7:4] charsize read-write Number of bits used in communication. Valid values are 8 and 7.
[9:8] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect
[10:10] tx_thld_auto_rst read-write Indicates if the tx_thld_hit bit in status register should clear automatically once the threshold once the condition for tx_thld_hit is no longer true.
[11:11] rx_thld_auto_rst read-write Indicates if the rx_thld_hit bit in status register should clear automatically once the threshold once the condition for rx_thld_hit is no longer true.
[12:12] tx_thld_dirn read-write Indicates if the tx_thld bit should be set when the number of elements in the transmit FIFO is less than or equal to (when this bit is 0), or, greater than (when this bit is 1) the tx_thld field in control register.
[13:13] rx_thld_dirn read-write Indicates if the rx_thld bit should be set when the number of elements in the receive FIFO is less than or equal to (when this bit is 0), or, greater than (when this bit is 1) the rx_thld field in control register.
[15:14] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect
[19:16] tx_thld read-write Indicates the threshold value for transmit FIFO
[23:20] rx_thld read-write Indicates the threshold value for receive FIFO
[31:24] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect

19.10. STATUS_CLEAR Register

This is a 6-bit register which allows the users to reset some of the status bits. The layout of this register is as shown below.

Table 19.8 status_clear subfeild description
Bits Field Name Attribute Description
[0:0] parity_error write-only Writing a 1 clears the parity_error bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[1:1] overrun_error write-only Writing a 1 clears the overrun_error bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[2:2] frame_error write-only Writing a 1 clears the frame_error bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[3:3] break_error write-only Writing a 1 clears the break_error bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[4:4] tx_thld write-only Writing a 1 clears the tx_thld bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[5:5] rx_thld write-only Writing a 1 clears the rx_thld bit in status register. Writing 0 has no effect.
[31:6] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect

19.11. INTERRUPT_EN Register

This is a read-write register that controls which events in the status bits would trigger an interrupt. The mapping of the fields in this register is identical to that of the status register. An interrupt is raised if (interrupt_en & status)!=0.

Table 19.9 interrupt_en subfeild description
Bits Field Name Attribute Description
[0:0] tx_done read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when tx_done bit in the status register is 1.
[1:1] tx_notfull read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when tx_notfull bit in the status register is 1.
[2:2] rx_notfull read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when rx_notfull bit in the status register is 1.
[3:3] rx_notempty read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when rx_notempty bit in the status register is 1.
[4:4] tx_thld_hit read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when tx_thld_hit bit in the status register is 1.
[5:5] rx_thld_hit read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when rx_thld_hit bit in the status register is 1.
[7:6] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect
[8:8] parity_error read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when parity_error bit in the status register is 1.
[9:9] overrun_error read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when overrun_error bit in the status register is 1.
[10:10] frame_error read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when frame_error bit in the status register is 1.
[11:11] break_error read-write A value of 1 enables interrupt when break_error bit in the status register is 1.
[31:12] Reserved read-write Reads will return zeros and writes will have no effect